Campaign Asia Pacific 杂志“Agency of the Year 2021”
博报堂集团的IdeasXMachina连续2年 荣获“Asia-Pacific Talent Development Program of the Year”奖

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TBWA\HAKUHODO第三次荣获“Japan/Korea Best Culture”金奖

在亚洲最大广告专业杂志《Campaign Asia Pacific》主办的“Agency of the Year 2021”上,博报堂集团的 IdeasXMachina Advertising, Inc.(菲律宾)在亚太区继去年荣获“Asia-Pacific Talent Development Program of the Year”奖的同时,还荣获“Asia Pacific Best Culture”的Commendation奖。

此外,TBWA\HAKUHODO在日本/韩国区第三次荣获“Japan/Korea Best Culture”金奖,又在Agency类获得2项,个人类获得3项,共计获得6项奖项。

在东南亚区,博报堂集团的IdeasXMachina Advertising, Inc.(菲律宾)获得“Southeast Asia Talent Development Program of the Year”银奖、个人类的“Southeast Asia Account Person of the Year”奖,Winter Egency Co.,Ltd.(泰国)获得“Southeast Asia Customer Engagement Agency of the Year”铜奖,Wolf Bkk(泰国)获得“Thailand Creative Agency of the Year”铜奖。

该奖分别在澳大利亚/新西兰、中华圈、日本/韩国、南亚、东南亚、亚太各地区,Campaign Asia Pacific杂志就广告/传播商务等方面的业绩给予独立评价。


・Asia-Pacific Talent Development Program of the Year Winner:IdeasXMachina Advertising, Inc., 菲律宾
・Asia Pacific Best Culture Commendation:IdeasXMachina Advertising, Inc., 菲律宾

・Japan/Korea Best Culture 金奖:TBWA\HAKUHODO
・Japan Creative Agency of the Year 银奖:TBWA\HAKUHODO
・Japan Digital Agency of the Year 铜奖:TBWA\HAKUHODO

・ Japan/Korea Agency Head of the Year Winner:今井明彦 (TBWA\HAKUHODO)
・ Japan/Korea Creative Person of the Year Winner:伊藤裕平 (TBWA\HAKUHODO)
・ Japan/Korea Young Achiever of the Year Winner:出岛步美 (TBWA\HAKUHODO)

・Southeast Asia Talent Development Program of the Year 银奖:IdeasXMachina Advertising, Inc., 菲律宾
・Southeast Asia Market Research Agency of the Year 银奖:Brand-Y (IdeasXMachina Advertising, Inc.), 菲律宾
・Southeast Asia Customer Engagement Agency of the Year 铜奖:Winter Egency Co., Ltd., 泰国
・Thailand Creative Agency of the Year 铜奖:Wolf Bkk, 泰国

・Southeast Asia Account Person of the Year Winner:Katrina “Storm” Surla (IdeasXMachina Advertising, Inc., 菲律宾)

